Monday, May 16, 2011

16 May 2011

Wow it looks like it has been a heck of a week for you all! and well for us too!! it is starting to get really warm now in the mid 90"s to 100's almost everyday, but it is still getting down in the 70-80 at night! It has been an interesting and rough week! sounds like you and I have been in the same place this week! The Hospital... I was there on Wednesday afternoon to check on spasing muscles in the upper left chest.. it was pretty cool and interesting at the same time but HURT alot!!! We have been doing well ever since! They said that I had muscles in the upper part of my ribs on the left side that were spasing out.. any way it is all doing well and is taken care of at this time!! No need to worry church is taking good care of us here! :) We reset a baptism date this week with matthew and have been going head strong ever since! The Lord love us and is showing us by trusting us! We were put in a Branch counsilors to President Krakowiak. Elder Bradley as 2nd counsilor and me as 1st. Boy is there alot of work yet to be done!!!! President Warren was released as branch president of 2 1/2 years almost 3 and put in as High Counsilor over the deaf branch! clever move I must say! We are looking up to it and moving forward the best we know how with this calling/assignment! :)

Know that I love you all! STOP FALLING APART! Also knoew that the Lord Loves you too!!!!
Good luck and have a great week!

_\../ Elder Karlson \../_

Arizona Tucson Mission
939 W Chapalla Drive
Tucson, AZ 85704

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